How to Prepare Bihun Goreng Taucu Istimewa

Bihun Goreng Taucu.

Bihun Goreng Taucu You can cook Bihun Goreng Taucu using 12 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Bihun Goreng Taucu

  1. Prepare of Kobis.
  2. It's of Kucai.
  3. You need Daun of sup.
  4. It's of Scrumble egg.
  5. You need of Tomato.
  6. Prepare of Cili hijau.
  7. Prepare of Taucu.
  8. You need of Taugeh.
  9. Prepare of Paste bawang besar dgn bawang putih.
  10. You need of Chilli paste.
  11. You need of Perasa ayam.
  12. Prepare of Tauhu goreng.

Bihun Goreng Taucu instructions

  1. Tumis bawang besar/bwg putih dan cili blend hingga masak.
  2. Masukkan bihun yg telah direndam dan kobis.
  3. Masuk kan air sikit hingga bihun masak.
  4. Masukkn semua bahan lain dan kacau rata.


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