Recipe: Nasi Lemak Berhalba & Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis Paling Sedap

Nasi Lemak Berhalba & Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis. Nasi lemak - Malaysian coconut milk rice, served with sambal, fried crispy anchovies, toasted peanuts and cucumber. This is the best and most authentic nasi lemak recipe! Selain Malaysia, nasi lemak juga populer di Singapura, Brunei Darusalam, serta Kepulauan Riau.

Nasi Lemak Berhalba & Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis Nasi lemak - Malaysian coconut milk rice, served with sambal, fried crispy anchovies, toasted peanuts and cucumber. This is the best and most authentic nasi lemak recipe! Malaysian nasi lemak is the definitely of heavenly food. You can cook Nasi Lemak Berhalba & Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis using 26 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Nasi Lemak Berhalba & Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis

  1. Prepare of A)Bahan-bahan Nasi Lemak Berhalba.
  2. It's 1-2 cawan of Beras (dicuci).
  3. Prepare 1 kotak of Santan.
  4. You need 1 of inci halia (dihiris).
  5. It's 1 of sudu kecil garam.
  6. It's 1 sudu makan of halba.
  7. You need 2 batang of serai.
  8. Prepare 3 of biji bawang putih (dihiris).
  9. Prepare 1 of biji bawang besar (dihiris).
  10. Prepare 2 helai of daun pandan (diikat).
  11. Prepare 1 cawan of air (ikut kesesuaian nak nasi lembut yang macamana).
  12. It's of B)Bahan-bahan Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis.
  13. You need 6 of papan Petai (dibuang kulit).
  14. Prepare 300 gram of Ikan Bilis (dibersihkan & digoreng garing).
  15. Prepare 30 of tangkai cili kering (direbus & kisar bersama bawang).
  16. Prepare 3 ulas of bawang putih (dikisar).
  17. You need 1 of biji bawang besar (dikisar).
  18. It's 1 of ketul kecil/ sederhana gula melaka.
  19. Prepare 1 of sudu gula pasir (jika cili pedas boleh tambah ikut kesesuaian.
  20. Prepare 1 of sudu kecil garam.
  21. Prepare 1 keping of asam keping.
  22. You need of minyak untuk menumis.
  23. It's of C)Bahan-bahan lain:.
  24. You need of telur (direbus / digoreng).
  25. It's of timun (dihiris).
  26. Prepare of kacang tanah (digoreng tanpa minyak sehingga garing).

For local Malaysians that leave their home country, nasi lemak is THE MEAL they crave, the comfort food they long for. Nasi lemak is a Malay cuisine dish consisting of fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf. It is commonly found in Malaysia, where it is considered the national dish. Nasi lemak is a dish sold in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Southern Thailand.

Nasi Lemak Berhalba & Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis step by step

  1. A) Nasi Lemak Berhalba: Sediakan bahan-bahan A seperti yang terdapat dalam gambar & masukkan dalam periuk nasi & masak sehingga menjadi nasi. Kacau sekali sekala supaya Nasi & Santan sebati / rata..
  2. B) Sambal Tumis Petai Ikan Bilis: Tumis bahan kisar (cili kering, bawang putih & bawang besar sehingga pecah minyak). Kemudian, masukkan garam, asam keping, gula melaka. Kacau sehingga gula melaka larut & rasa. Jika pedas sangat, boleh tambah sesudu gula pasir / ikut kesesuaian. Seterusnya setelah cili telah masak, masukkan petai & ikan bilis (yang telah digoreng) dan kacau rata. Biar seketika sebelum tutup api masak..
  3. C)Telur digoreng, timun dihiris bulat & kacang tanah yang telah digoreng boleh dihidang bersama dengan nasi lemak berhalba & sambal tumis petai ikan bilis. Siap!😘.

In Kuala Lumpur, it is called the national dish, a national heritage of Malaysia. Ingatkan laksa aje yang bersifat kenegerian. Laksa Penang, Laksa Sarawak, Laksa Utara dan Laksa Johor! Nasi lemak can be cooked in a variety of ways, ranging from the Malay, Chinese and Indian variation. It truly is a dish that symbolises the diversity of our country.


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