Easiest Way to Prepare Tart Nanas Sedap

Tart Nanas.

Tart Nanas You can cook Tart Nanas using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Tart Nanas

  1. It's 600 g of tepung gandum.
  2. It's 160 g of gula aising.
  3. Prepare 300 g of majerin Puteri.
  4. Prepare 140 g of mentega.
  5. It's 2 of biji kuning telur.
  6. It's 1 of sudu kecil esen vanila.
  7. You need 3 of sudu tepung susu.
  8. Prepare of Kuning telur + pewarna kuning.
  9. It's of Paste Nanas.

Tart Nanas step by step

  1. Pukul mentega & majerin bersama gula.
  2. Masuk kuning telur satu per satu. Masukkan esen vanila.
  3. Masuk tepung susu dan tepung gandum.
  4. Tekap dan bentukkan. Bakar 160°c pada 10 - 15 minit.


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