How to Cook Chinese Chicken soup yang Mudah

Chinese Chicken soup. This soup doesn't exactly have a name. While famous Chinese dishes all have pretty universal I used to call it "chicken soup with dried stuff in it," but that's disingenuous. This Chinese Corn Soup aka Chinese Egg Drop Soup is just like you get in Chinese restaurants!

Chinese Chicken soup Make it a complete meal by serving the soup with chicken wontons! This chicken mushroom soup is so many things--delicious, healthy, warm, nourishing, and easy to Chinese Chicken Mushroom Soup. Chinese chicken corn soup is delicious and nutritious. You can cook Chinese Chicken soup using 17 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Chinese Chicken soup

  1. Prepare 3 potong of ayam (ayam 1 kg potong 6).
  2. Prepare 1 of buah bawang holland.
  3. You need 6 of buah bawang putih.
  4. Prepare 3 of buah bawang merah.
  5. Prepare 2 of buah cili merah besar kering.
  6. Prepare 1 of buah cili merah besar segar.
  7. You need 5 of buah cili merah kecil segar.
  8. It's 1 of sdb sos tiram.
  9. You need 1 of sdb minyak wijen.
  10. It's 1 of sdk kicap ikan.
  11. It's 1 1/2 of sdk gula pasir.
  12. It's 1/2 of sdk garam.
  13. You need 1/2 of sdk serbuk lada (white pepper).
  14. It's 250 gr of jagung muda (bisa ganti jagung manis).
  15. You need 250 gr of potato.
  16. It's 1 1/2 liter of air bersih.
  17. Prepare 3 of sdb minyak goreng.

It contains chicken meat, egg and tasty corn. With a slight tang to its taste, this soup makes a nice starter for a Chinese-themed meal or an. Chinese chicken soup generally refers to broths simmered with chicken combined with any variety of dried goods, vegetables and Chinese herbs. I'm cooking once a week for a friend whose family is on a No-gluten, No-sugar, No-soy diet, All-organic diet.

Chinese Chicken soup step by step

  1. Bersihkan ayam, rendam dalam air sekejap..
  2. Kupas dan iris halus semua bawang dan cili. Kalau tidak suka pedas atau untuk anak, cili boleh dikurangi atau tidak usah dipakai. Tumis semua bawang dan cili dgn 3 sdb minyak goreng sampai mulai layu dan harum..
  3. Tambahkan minyak wijen dan sos tiram. Tumis lagi sekejap..
  4. Masukkan air bersih dan ayam. Rebus dgn api kecil sampai air susut menjadi 1 liter. Pakai api kecil ya supaya stock dari ayam keluar semua..
  5. Sementara menunggu, bersihkan dan potong kecil jagung serta potato. Rendam dalam air supaya tidak menghitam..
  6. Kalau air sudah susut, masukkan kentang dan jagung. Tambahkan serbuk lada, gula dan garam. Boleh juga tambahkan lagi sos tiram. Rebus potato dan jagung sampai mulai lunak..
  7. Tambahkan kicap ikan. Cicipi rasa. Kalau kurang boleh tambahkan gula, garam atau lada sesuai selera..

This recipe for Quick & Easy Chinese Chicken Noodle Soup proves that Asian food doesn't have to be complicated - this simple soup is ready in just ten minutes. best chicken for Chinese chicken soup. I always say that the best recipes don't necessarily have to be made up of gourmet ingredients for them to taste out of this world. Which chicken is suitable for Chinese soup. In Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, we love using ayam kampung (free-range chicken) to prepare Chinese chicken soup. Introducing Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup - a soup that heals the mind, body and soul.


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